Latest News: New research method helps discovering reading disability much earlier

Latest News: New research method helps discovering reading disability much earlier

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To be able to predict future problems with reading even before a child begin to go to school would be ground-breaking for her or his future. This is a challenge that Sara Laszlo’s research at Binghamton University, State University of New York, is trying to find a solution for and the results is very promising. In contradiction to previous research within this research field that has focused on comparing groups of people, Laszlo is following every child individually by using electroencephalography (EEG) to measure children’s brain activity as they learn to read. She explains: “We are working toward developing a type of reading ability screening test that could be used how a hearing test is used now. Having a predictive test would double or triple the time period for an effective intervention.” The research focuses on a wide range of reading abilities of children from 4-14 years old. Source: National Science Foundation

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