Latest News: Government funding new tool and method to fight cyberbullying

Latest News: Government funding new tool and method to fight cyberbullying

CyberbyllyingeLearningworld News from UKRead_It_On_Applenews_Badge_Rgb_Us-Uk

An online app that lets children report bullying will be rolled out to 300 schools and approximately 120 000 pupils in the UK. The method of the antibullying-app is that the pupils take screenshots of abusive messages on social media or even take photographs of bullies in action. Then in the next step send them via the app where the reports will be delivered to read by staff at the child’s school, but no one else. The platform, called Tootoot, will be providing 24-hour support to young people who are victims of bullying or other forms of online abuse. Within the project that is funded by the UK Department of Education with £4.4million also includes training of 4500 teachers and education of 60 000 parents about how to protect their children from cyberbullying. Source: UK Department of Education

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