Latest News: Gamification and MOOC the main drivers according to new report

Latest News: Gamification and MOOC the main drivers according to new report

ElearningmarketeLearningworld News from the World

Technavio market analysts predict that gamification and massive open online courses (MOOCs) will drive the global e-Learning market the coming four years. This means the keywords for the market can be summarised by that engaging content with easy access is the focus eLearning-developers should have the coming years. But what about the impact of e.g. pedagogy and learner-adaption? However, according to the report, these drivers, gamification and MOOC, will help the IT-infrastructure spending to reach a total turnout of €94 billion by 2019 globally. From these prerequisites the competition on the eLearning market is expected to increase dramatically as it slowly maturing. Source: Press Release Reportlinker

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