Advanced Environmental studies in School – A Digital Lab makes it possible

Advanced Environmental studies in School – A Digital Lab makes it possible

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New research from the University of Gothenburg shows the benefits of using digital technology in environmental class. Since it makes it possible to perform complex analysis and observations that show great prospects to boost understanding as well as teaching quality. The researcher Emma Edstrand has looked at two digital tools, one virtual lab that analysis ocean acidification and one carbon dioxide calculator. In the virtual lab, the pupils can experiment how different organisms is affected by climate change and carbon dioxide pollution. This makes it possible to build hands-on knowledge and understanding from authentic research that in the next step leads to more profound discussions in class. The research study is based on 500 American students between 12-18 years old that worked in a collaborative project and also video-material from a Swedish classroom in secondary school that worked with both the digital tools mentioned above. Source:

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