The Century of the Brain and Computing Part 9: Labour Market

The Century of the Brain and Computing Part 9: Labour Market

Century Of The Brain And Computing Part 9: Labour MarketThe creative industry is oneHjärnans Och Datateknologins Sekel Del 9: Arbetsmarknad of fastest growing business-sectors the past two decades. The mass-production society’s piece-by-piece production-lines and standardisation is replaced by uniqueness often directly from a human hand and mind. The old craftsmen’s business that was blown away by 1900th Century industrialisation is now being rebirth in a modernised form. This is underlined by the fact that the creative industry almost without exceptions consist of businesses with 0-9 employers. At the same time e.g. more people in Sweden work in the creative industry than e.g. in the food industry, farmer- and fishery industry included.

What is the creative industry?

There are many different definitions but from a business perspective European Cluster Observatory’s definition seems to be most accurate. Since also business that supports the creative industry is included like printing houses, constructors of musical instrument, software producers and so on. Architects, computer games producers and new media, design, more traditional media like movie, photography and music, as well as advertising agencies and art form the basis for the creative industry. This to a large extent is business sectors that did not exist twenty-five years ago or which basic foundation has been profoundly transformed.


Moreover, in the beginning of the 1990s when many from the young generation main goal was to work with media and the established society was in outrage because of this. Politicians was pointing with the whole hand towards educations and professions that is lagging behind today, besides politicians main answer, engineer…

…then the web revolutionised all parts of the society and youngsters’ media-dreams was fulfilled. It is obvious who the best analysts were.

The intellects crafts age creates a new labour market

The age that we now are living in by many has been termed the information age. However, information is only the working-material. In the same way as the production, the industry, gave name to the epoch that now have passed then this new era could be termed the intellects crafts age. In which the human brain and its personal assistant the computer is the core of production and development.

The growth of the creative industry during the past two decades is only a part of a spirit that permeates most professions. In comparison with twenty years ago the transformation can be found in new forms of organisation and a larger confidence in the individuals’ ability besides the use of computers. The last and tenth part of this article-series will describe competences that are critical for success in the intellects crafts age.

Written by LarsGoran Bostrom©


Kulturella och kreativa näringarna 2012: statistik och jämförelser av Joakim Sternö och Tobias Nielsén 2012 Volante

Lärande för alla sinnen: Handbok om eLearning – Pedagogik och integrering av LarsGöran Boström 2011 Bokförlaget Axplock

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