Tag: <span>brain research</span>

Tag: brain research

How Culture and Language affect Skills – Three brain research reports

Listen to the story {Play} Here follow three research reports from the field of cognitive science and neuroscience of how culture and language affect skills. Thoughts without language? Research from CEA-Inserm-Université Paris Sud-Collège de France shows that there is a network of brain regions involved in advanced mathematics and also …

Shooter games can actually harm your brain, new research shows

eLearningworld News Action video games can do more harm than good for your cognitive skills a new study from the University of Montreal suggests. Greg West, an associate professor of psychology at UdeM, that in collaboration associate professor of psychiatry Véronique Bohbot with McGill University, made the study, comments the …

Latest News: Serious computer games improves student performance in reading and math

eLearningworld News from US New research from Yale University shows a correlation between using brain training games and boosting the performance both when comes to reading skills as well as math skills. The game called “Activate” that was used is developed by Yale and Dr Bruce Wexler, professor emeritus of psychiatry …

Latest News: Lifelong Learning – New research shows the impact of learning a new language

eLearningworld News from Scotland Research from the University of Edinburgh carried out with students of all ages shows that learning a new language not only develop a new vital skill, it also improves a person’s attention. Already, within a week of study improvements starts to appear and with regular practice …