Latest News: Cambridge University launches new Centre for Artificial Intelligence

Latest News: Cambridge University launches new Centre for Artificial Intelligence

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What in the 20th Century was science fiction today is the developing reality of artificial intelligence. In this light the Cambridge University now is taking a big leap into this field. Huw Price, Cambridge’s Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, will lead the new Research Centre for AI and it will receive €14 million in grants from Leverhulme Trust. Cambridge’s Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities supports the new research centre and its deputy director Zoubin Ghahramani said the following about the importance of the centre: “The field of machine learning continues to advance at a tremendous pace, and machines can now achieve near-human abilities at many cognitive tasks—from recognising images to translating between languages and driving cars. We need to understand where this is all leading, and ensure that research in machine intelligence continues to benefit humanity.” Source: Cambridge News

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